Year: 2009

What Not to Wear

We recently went to court on a minor matter for one of our clients.  The lawyering part wasn’t so interesting–the plaintiff didn’t show up–but the people watching was fascinating.

One thing that really struck us was the way people were dressed, and what that conveyed about their general attitude towards the court.  A lot of folks came before the judge in sweats, showing a lot of skin, and generally unkempt.

As lawyers, we know that it’s very important that we dress appropriately–which means conservatively and formally–in order to give folks a good impression about our clients.  But clients should dress that way, too.

What does that mean?  Ideally men and women both should wear a suit (with a tie for men).  Conservative colors are easiest–think navy, black or dark grey.  Everything should be clean, wrinkle-free, and it should fit.

Worried about the cost? Inexpensive suits are available for both men and women, and consignment stores are also a good place to look.  If your budget and wardrobe don’t allow you to wear a suit, slacks for men, with a button up shirt, and conservative dresses for women, are a good second choice.

Think of going to court like a job interview: no overwhelming jewelry, perfume, loud prints, revealing clothes, or writing on your clothes. If you have questions, ask your lawyer for advice! Or find another reputable source for information.

Remember folks, at the end of the day there’s no substitute for having a lawyer of your own.

And as always, our blog postings are not legal advice, nor do they constitute an attorney-client relationship!

To sue, or not to sue?

We’ve danced around the issue of whether you should sue, and how quickly you have to decide. But we really have avoided the underlying issue: suing responsibly in what is often regarded as an overly litigious society. When we’re faced with cases like the Washingtonian who sued for $64 million over his pants, which were lost by the dry-cleaners, it’s easy to see why society is all up in arms about changing the way lawsuits and damage awards work.

But lawsuits, jury verdicts, huge damage awards–these aren’t bad things. They are just processes, which are subject to abuse by folks looking to make trouble.

Fundamentally, civil suits are about righting wrongs, leveling the playing field, and making sure the world is better for those who come after you. If that’s your goal, and not just a desire to grind someone into the dirt, you may be on the right track with a lawsuit.

If you’re still unsure whether a lawsuit is for you, think about mediation. Some folks mediate for a fee, and other places have volunteer mediators who will help you for little or nothing.

Remember folks, at the end of the day there’s no substitute for having a lawyer of your own. And as always, our blog postings are not legal advice, nor do they constitute an attorney-client relationship!

Mediation at Mosser Law

Alexis Steinberg, Mosser Law’s newest attorney, is furthering her education with training as a mediator.

“I participated in a mediation competition while in law school,” says Alexis, “and I’m interested in the value that the training will bring to my clients.”

Mediation and pre-trial settlement are becoming more prevalent, and Alexis’ new skills will certainly prove valuable as she deepens her knowledge of the settlement system.

Alexis anticipates completing the 40 hours of training by the end of September.